세라 바이오 피브레스 파인




세라 바이오 피브레스 파인 40 g – 1차 여과, 생체역학적 여과재 –

세라 바이오 피브레스 파인은 담수 및 해수, 정원수의 전단계 여과를 위한 물리적, 생물학적 여과 물질로 내부 및 외부 여과에 대한 이상적인 여과 재료입니다.

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sera biofibres fine 40 g

biomechanical filter medium

for prefiltration in fresh water, salt water and garden pond

Made in Germany

“sera biofibres fine are an ideal prefiltration material for all biological internal and external filters.

Thus, you can protect the following filter media from coarse pollution and increase the biological efficacy of the filter.

sera biofibres also serve as an excellent spawning medium and as hiding place for fry.

Suitable for fresh water, salt water and pond water filtration.”



By filtering out large particles, sera biofibres fine prevent clogging of the following main filter materials (e.g., sera biopur forte, sera siporax, sera super carbon).

Combining different filter materials insures different bacteria species will find an optimal surface area.

This leads to better biological stabilization of your filter system and insures different pollutants are broken down thoroughly.